Research Questions By the means of this project, I hope to explore and try to answer these questions: Whether Islamic Law recognize the concept of Human Rights? What is the concept of Lega...
A pleasant family life necessitates a successful marriage between the husband and wife. As a result, Islam stresses the importance of maintaining a marriage and advises against breaking a marit...
The use of language is essential to any general set of laws. Administrators naturally use language to make laws, and the laws should accommodate the definitive goal of disagreements regarding the...
India is an Agri based economy and the majority of our population depend on the Agriculture sector for their survival, even after this the reality is something different that we can’t ignore ...
The use of language is essential to any general set of laws. Administrators naturally use langua...
A pleasant family life necessitates a successful marriage between the husband and wife. As a re...
India is an Agri based economy and the majority of our population depend on the Agriculture sec...
Research Questions By the means of this project, I hope to explore and try to answer these que...