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Trademark Forms - The First Schedule

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Trademark Forms - The First Schedule

Entry No On what payable Amount Rs. Corresponding Form Number
1 On application to register a trade mark for a specification of goods or services included in one class [Section 18(1) 3500.00 TM-1 Form and Fees (8 KB)
2 On application to register a textile trade mark (other than a certification trade mark or a collective mark) consisting exclusively of numerals or letters or any combination thereof for a specification of goods or services included in one item of the Fifth Schedule under rule25(5) & 145 3500.00 TM-22 Form and Fees (6 KB)
3 On application to register a trade mark for goods or services included in a class from a convention country under section 18(1) & 154(2 3500.00 TM-2 Form and Fees (6 KB)
4 On a single application under section 18(2) for the registration of a trade mark for different classes of goods or services from a convention country under section 154(2 3500.00 for each class TM-52 Form and Fees (7 KB)
5 On a single application under section 18(2) for the registration of a trade mark for different classes of goods or services 3500.00 for each class TM-51 Form and Fees (6 KB)
6 On application to register a series trade mark under section 15 for a specification of goods or services included in a class or different classes 3500.00 for each trade mark and for each separate class thereto  TM-8 Form and Fees (6 KB)
7 On application to register a series of trade mark from a convention country under section 154(2) for a specification of goods or services included in a class or classes 3500.00 for each trade mark and for each separate class thereto TM-37 Form and Fees (6 KB)
8 On application under section 63(1) to register a collective mark for a specification of goods or services included in a class 10,000.00 TM-3 Form and Fees (4 KB)
9 On application under section 71(1) to register a certification trade mark for a specification of goods or services included in a class 10,000.00 TM-4 Form and Fees (4 KB)
10 On application for the registration of a textile trade mark (other than a certification trade mark or a collective mark ) consisting exclusively of numerals or letters, or any combination thereof for a specification of goods or services included in one item of the Fifth Schedule under rule 145 from a convention country under section 154(2) 3500.00 TM-45 Form and Fees (18 KB)
11 On a request under rule 40(1) to state grounds of decision 1000.00 TM-15 Form and Fees (3 KB)
12 On a notice of opposition under section 21 (1), 64, 66 or 73 for each class opposed 2500.00 TM-5 Form and Fees (3 KB)
13 On application for extension of time for filing notice of opposition under section 21(1 500.00 TM-44 Form and Fees (4 KB)
For Trademark Registration Contact Ph no: 9873628941

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