Concept Of Marriage In Hindu And Mulsim Law


Marriage, a fundamental social institution, holds vital importance in forming the foundation of social order. In India, the variety of strict and social practices is reflected in the lawful sys...

Waqf: A Corner Stone Of Islamic Social And Economic Endowments


Waqf, a foundational Islamic charitable institution, dedicates property or assets for religious or charitable purposes in perpetuity. This paper delves into the historical context, legal framew...

Cruelty: A Ground for Dissolution of Marriage and Its Imprint in Criminal Law


Marriage is a significant aspect of Indian culture and cruelty has always been a topic of concern. In the past, cruelty was not a valid reason for divorce in India. However, after the 1976 amen...

Married Daughter's Right In The Agricultural Land


Since the very inception of the society women were subjected to discrimination. All the rules and regulations governing the society were gender biased, which truely made their condition patheti...

Understanding The Concept And Distinction Of Waqf And Trust


Introduction about WaqfsThe foundation of wakfs is traced to an utterance of the Prophet;" However, the guidelines regarding wakfs were advanced in a while by way of ijma (consensus). The ...

Implications Of UCC: Understanding Its Constitutionality And Effect On Person...


The article aims at understanding the potential implication of the Uniform Civil Code on the existing family laws. Since, there is no one law that atop the family matters in India, and the laws...

Desertion Under The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955


Definition and Concept Section 13(1)(ib) of The Hindu Marriage act 1955 makes desertion a ground for divorce. In Legal context, desertion is very hard to give a comprehensive definition to, an...

Abortion in Islam: Analyzing the Concept


Abortion in Islam is a multifaceted issue shaped by diverse interpretations of religious texts, ethical principles, and cultural norms. Although the primary sources of Islamic law (the Quran an...

Joint Family System in Hindu Law: Continuity and Change in Modern society


The joint family system in Hindu law has been a cornerstone of Indian society for centuries, embodying principles of interdependence, familial solidarity, and collective decision-making. This a...

Adultery in Hindu Law: A Ground for Divorce


Modern Hindu law under statutory law and judicial precedent envisions multiple theories, namely: Fault theory Prevailing circumstances Mutual Consent Irretrievable breakdown theory ...