Resolution Of Industrial Conflicts According To The Industrial Disputes Act O...


The Industrial Disputes Act of 1947, a pivotal legislation in India, delineates a comprehensive framework for the resolution of conflicts arising in the industrial landscape. The primary object...

Collective Bargaining Chronicles: From Industrial Struggles to Modern Triumph...


Collective bargaining, the cornerstone of fair labor relations, embodies a pivotal process that shapes the dynamic interplay between workers and employers in contemporary workplaces. Stemming f...

Issues Faced By Migrant Workers In India


In the vast socio-economic landscape of India, migrant workers constitute a significant demographic. These individuals, predominantly engaged in daily-wage occupations within the manufacturing ...

Liability Of An Employer To Pay Compensation: The Employees Compensation Act,...


One of the earlier laws to benefit labourers was the Employees Compensation Act. It was enacted in 1923 and came into effect on July 1st, 1924. The Act's purpose was to establish rules for the ...

Labour Laws, Health And Safety Of Workers In Factories, Industries, Etc.


The standards of labours is maintained according to Trade Union Act, Industrial Dispute Act, Factories Act, Payment of Wages Act, etc. The condition Labours and workmen have been marginalized t...

Equal Pay for Equal Work: A comparative study between USA and India


The Gender Pay Gap: A Historical Perspective The gender pay gap, the difference in earnings between men and women, has deep historical roots. Traditionally, societies have relegated women to dom...

Unionization Of Sex Workers In India


This research paper investigates the issue of unionisation among sex workers in India, focusing on the potential benefits and challenges associated with collective bargaining and empowerment. B...

Comparative Analysis of the Birth of Labor Rights: A Historical Examination


This comprehensive comparative analysis explores the intricate evolution of labor rights across epochs, emphasizing the feudal system, French and American Revolutions, secularism, capitalism, h...

Regulation Of Child Labour Under The Child Labour Act,1986


The government passed the Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Amendment Act, 2016 on January 1st. The Amendment Act prohibits hiring children under the age of fourteen. The amendment also m...

Salient Features Of Apprenticeship Act


The Apprentice Act was enacted in 1961 and came into effect on January 1, 1963, in order to provide regulations and control over the training of apprentices. The actual meaning of the word appr...