A Captivity Freedom: A Comprehensive Analysis of India's Cosmetic Industry in...


The cosmetic business is a thriving economic sector across the world, distinguished by its constant expansion, innovation, and changing customer tastes. This abstract digs into a thorough exami...

India Shining Fail Effect


"The Difference Between Government & Business Man Is The Democracy" INDIA, a nation that holds billions of dreams, Youth, Innovations, Developments, a strong culture, and an enormous view ...

Bankrupt India Code


Insolvency Bankruptcies Code was introduced in India in October 2016. IBC is a code to help the company make a comeback in the market after filing for bankruptcy. The Code of IBC was focused on...

Codology Network


We believe the media in India has been the center of crafting communal violence and utter fake news for views. The media has never exposed the truth of the events in the country. we believe tha...