It is believed by many that regulating the internet is an oxymoron but the
current scheme of things show otherwise as countries like China, Russia are
making the internet service providers subject to their local laws. It means no
matter where the internet service providers are situated or based if they have
an impact on computers and network in these countries, they have to comply with
the local laws otherwise their services will be blocked.
As of now blocking of
services have proven to be notoriously ineffective because there are various
tools and indirect ways to access the blocked information but there is growing
realization amongst the governments around the world to regulate their cyber
space. The countries are now talking about cyber sovereignty which however has
certain inherent problems which are needed to be addressed first:
# There is a contradiction between the spirit of the internet and cyber
sovereignty; it may result in fragmentation of internet as every country in the
name of cyber sovereignty may cause to set up separate cyberspace of its own.[1]
# There is another contradiction of human rights with cyber sovereignty
as it may violate the principle of freedom of speech; state intervention in the
cyberspace will restrict the free flow of information so, keeping up with recent trends a PIL has been filed in Supreme Court to
regulate the content of online streaming platform like Netflix, Amazon, Hotstar,
etc., it is argued by the petitioners that there is no licensing authority, no
certification like for films releasing in Cinema halls and no governing
mechanism for these platforms. However, this PIL is not of its first kind
various other PIL in various High Court has been filed against some specific
shows streamed by these platforms. For example against Netflix Original Series
Sacred Games, Alt Balaji’s Gandi Baat and many more. They all are either pending
or are rejected so this petition hopefully will settle the matter once and for
Little History of the matter
It all started with an RTI application filed by the petitioner to the Ministry
of Information and Broadcasting which seeks rules or regulations governing the
online streaming platforms and its content. The ministry replied in its response
to the RTI application that:
1.the ministry is not aware of the licensing authority
2.the Section 79 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 is applicable to
these platforms as they are intermediaries according to Section 2(1)(w) of the
same Act which says that:
intermediary, with respect to any particular electronic records,
means any person who on behalf of another person receives, stores or transmits
that record or provides any service with respect to that record and includes
telecom service providers, network service providers, internet service
providers, web-hosting service providers, search engines, online payment sites,
online-auction sites, online-market places and cyber cafes[2]
Writ petition in High Court
The Petitioners then filed a writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution
to the Delhi High Court seeking guidelines in order to regulate the unregulated,
uncertified, and legally restricted contents broadcasted on the online platforms
including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, etc., or; seeking a writ, order or
direction in the nature of a writ of mandamus or any other writ, order or
direction in the similar nature to the respondents to frame legal guidelines in
order to regulate the said online platforms and contents broadcasted or streamed
and direct the respondents to pass necessary directions to all online platforms
to remove such contents with immediate effect[3].
The ministry in a notice issued by the Delhi High Court filed an affidavit and
said that the online platform are not required to obtain any license from the
Ministry of Information or Broadcasting for displaying their contents and the
same is not regulated by the said Ministry. It further stated that they do not
regulate the content of aforesaid platforms and they also do not have a legal
mechanism for regulating or licensing of these organizations and establishment
for putting up their content on the internet. It also cited many other
provisions of the IT act which can provide a remedy to any person aggrieved by
any content on these streaming platforms if it is obscene or hurt their
religious sentiments and shock societal conscious or sensitivities.
The High
Court even cited Section 66A of the IT Act which is scraped inShreya Singhalcase
but that is another matter. However, all these remedies cited by the High Court
are post-screening of the content that is there is no pre-screening measures
which are applicable to films releasing in Cinema Halls such as certification
from Central Film Certification Board and compliance with Cinematograph Act.
The petitioners have argued in their petition that these streaming platforms are
not intermediaries so Section 79 is not applicable to them and if it is
applicable then the concerned authority has failed to exercise the requisite
due-diligence under Section 79(2)(c) of the IT Act.
However Delhi High Court was not impressed by these arguments and held that:
it is stated that no general power for regulation or material in the internet
platform is available. But if the internet platform is misused for carrying
information or material which are not permissible under law then the provisions
of the Information Technology Act provides for deterrent action to be taken and
as and when complaints are received, the statutory competent authority takes
action in the matter. In case the petitioner feels that any of the contents
exhibited or transmitted by the organizations detailed in the writ petition
violates the statutory provisions of the Information and Technology Act or the
Rule and contains prohibitory material as is detailed therein, the petitioner
can very well make a complaint under the aforesaid provision to the statutory
authority and we are hopeful that the authorities shall look into the
This decision by the Delhi High Court is hailed by some as progressive because
now the government cannot hamper their Netflix and chill phenomenon as it saved
these platforms from heavy licensing and their discretion on what to watch on
the internet is intact. The Delhi High Court is also said to be influenced by
the decision of these streaming giants to self-regulation. All these streaming
platforms Netflix, Hotstar and a clutch of other platforms have signed a
self-regulatory code for not showing in India any content considered
disrespectful to national symbols and religions, in a bid to avoid a potential
censorship crackdown in the booming market[5].
Under the code, the players will
ensure that they do not deliberately and maliciously make available any content
which disrespects the national emblem or national flag; or shows a child engaged
in real or simulated sexual activities. Also prohibited is content which
outrages religious sentiments of any class, section or community; which promotes
or encourages terrorism; and content that has beenbanned from distribution by
online streaming platforms under law or by any court[6].
At Present: Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court
Now the petitioners have approached the Supreme Court for addressing their
grievances. They have argued in their petition that the absence of guidelines to
govern these platforms government agencies are creating a special separate class
and discriminating against the customers, cable tv operators, producers, and D2H
operators. To elucidate this point let us consider an example- Mr. A produced a
movie and then he sends it to Censor Board for certification and Cinematograph
Act is also applicable to this movie. So, now if that movie contains a scene
which is prohibited under the said act it has to be deleted in order to get the
certificate from the board so that it could be released. Now Mr. B produced
another movie which contains full frontal nudity which is totally prohibited
under the Cinematograph Act but he decided to release his movie on Netflix now
he no longer required to comply with the act and also does not require any
certificate. This loophole in the law is exploited by filmmakers and it is
violating the principle of equality by discriminating between to class of
However this contention is not very practical because every producer will want
his movie to be released in cinema halls as it will make it more profitable and
for that if he had to cut some scenes to get a release it can be done as evident
from many instances, for example, the movie Udta Punjab was asked to cut 95
scenes from the movie and title of the movie were changed from Padmavati to
Padmaavat and many more. These streaming platforms are still in an evolving
phase so it is still desirable to get a release in cinema halls. But this
position is transient as in future this situation might change and this lacuna
in law can be exploited by filmmakers to avoid the formalities of laws
applicable to movies releasing in Cinema Halls.
The counter-argument or rather the stand of Ministry and Delhi High Court
agreeing with it are that these platforms are intermediaries as defined in the
IT Act so regulations imposed on intermediaries under Section 79 is applicable
to them. The petitioners argue that these platforms are not necessarily
intermediaries as they not only always third-party streaming the other person
content sometimes they also develop their own content and broadcast it.
this argument is tenable or not is now up to on Supreme Court to decide but for
the sake of argument here let us assume they are intermediaries so Section 79(2)
(c) will be applicable on them. It means they are required to exercise due
diligence but the problem is that there are no specific parameters of due
diligence neither in the Act or Rules under it. No parameters have been
formulated keeping in mind the requirement of peculiar business operation of
online streaming platforms.
The lacuna lies here on the lack of imagination on the side of government to
come up with an adequate enabling legal framework and specific parameters for
due-diligence for online service providers.
What did the petitioners want?
As it is already mentioned here that this petition is seen by some as a hostile
petition which is threatening their discretion as a viewer and putting an
obstacle on ‘Netflix and Chill’but as put by the Petitioner lawyer Mr. Harpreet
S Hora that this is not a hostile petition and the regulation or censoring of
content is the last concern of the petitioners as obscenity are very subjective
which can only be dealt when these questions are decided first and these
questions are:
# Whether these online streaming platforms have a license
# Whether these online streaming platforms have any regulation
# Whether these online streaming platforms have any certification
It is argues by the Petitioner that preventive laws are also needed because for
every matter one cannot file an FIR or approach the court under the IT Act and
if there are preventive laws for films releasing on Cinema Halls or for showing
movies on TV by cable operators or D2H operators then why not for these
streaming giants.
At this point of time there are two options available for these platforms either
to opt for self-regulation which they have done but it is to be done for
formally and specifically and has to be done by all of them as Amazon Prime
Video has not signed the code mentioned above or they can willfully neglect the
law and not bothered by any local law. But the latter approach is not feasible
in long run as the government all around the world are realising the need to
regulate the internet and only way to slow down this process is self-regulation
only. Internet as a paradigm is beyond regulation. However, things are changing
rapidly more and more countries are waking up for the need for regulating the
content on the internet within their physical geographical boundaries such as
Russia is coming up with its data localization laws, Chinese laws data
localization laws are said to be the world’s most elaborate and covers vast data
which had its impact on the Chinese System or mobiles in China. Information
Technology Act, 2000 also echoed this position almost two decades back under
Section 1 and Section 75 of the Act which says that this act is applicable to
any person of any nationality if it affects the network in India. However, India
as a nation completely failed to implement and we are in a state of conundrum
relating to Cyber Sovereignty.
As argued by the petitioner to apply similar regulation for cinema halls on
online streaming platform in ground reality is very difficult and challenging
primarily because people can be physically located outside a nation’s
territorial jurisdiction and there are also some inherent limitations of all the
laws applicable now on producers, cable operators or D2H operators, etc.
In our
constitution the fundamental rights are not absolute they are subject of
reasonable restrictions. Freedom of speech and expression guaranteed in Article
19(1) is subject to Article 19(2) so no one can say that he or she is
unregulated and Internet cannot violate the fundamental principle and the basic
structure of Constitution.
[1]A three –perspective theory of cyber sovereignty by Hao Yeli,
[2]Section 2(1)(w) of IT Act,2000.
[3]Justice for Rights Foundation vs. Union of India,