This article aims to throw light upon the prevailing discrimination against the people belonging to a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or a queer community and mind set of the society perceived from the pre-colonial period onwards which needs to be liberated so as to have progressive laws for a better India.
This article aims to throw light upon the prevailing discrimination against the
people belonging to a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or a queer community
and mind set of the society perceived from the pre-colonial period onwards which
needs to be liberated so as to have progressive laws for a better India. It also
deals how the perceived outlook of a society make the law discriminatory against
this community by taking away the fundamental rights of an individual with
respective to their sexual preference or orientation which is solely their
personal right by virtue of article 21 of the constitution. The article also
throws light upon the current ruling and reasons to repeal Section 377 of the
Indian Penal Code, 1860 which is dubious to the interest of this community.
"WE, THE PEOPLE of INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY, of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of
the Nation;
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, DO HEREBY
-Preamble to the Constitution of India
From Declassification to Decriminalization of LGBT Rights.
1. Introduction
Transgender people are defined according to their gender identity and
presentation. This group encompasses individuals whose gender identity differs
from the sex originally assigned to them by birth or whose gender expression
varies significantly from what is traditionally imputed within or typical for
that sex i.e., people identified as male at birth who subsequently identify as
female, and people identified as female at birth who later identify themselves
as male, as well as other individuals who vary from the traditional cultural
conceptualizations of gender in terms of the male and female dichotomy. The
transgender population is diverse in gender identity, expression, and sexual
orientation. These people can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual in their
sexual orientation. Some lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals are transgender; most
are not. Male-to-female transgender people are known as MtF, transgender
females, or trans women, while female-to-male transgender people are known as FTM,
transgender males, or transmen. Some transgender people do not fit into either
of these binary categories, there are health differences between transgender and
non-transgender people, as well as between transgender females and transgender
males. There is no shame in being a gay, lesbian, bisexual or a transgender, but
a homophobe or a transphobe. Just because heterosexuality is common does not
make it a custom or, a rule embedded in law which homosexuals do violate. India
does not give them a right to get married or engage in sexual activities in
inclination to their sexual orientation as Section 377 criminalizes
homosexuality. Their rights like an ordinary citizen should be sacred as they
are at the end of the day, citizens of the country and humans of the same
planet. Therefore such provisions which violate their fundamental rights and
abuse their dignity, liberty and freedom should be abolished.
LGBT an initialism that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender is
intended to emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based
cultures or encompass the spectrums of sexuality and gender. They are defined
according to their sexual orientation, which is archetypically conceptualized in
phrase of sexual attraction, unwonted behavior, distinct identity, or a
combination of these dimensions. They share the fact that their sexual
orientation is not exclusively heterosexual. Yet this queer of
"non-heterosexuals" includes men and women; homosexual and bisexual individuals;
people who label themselves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, among other terms; and
people who do not adopt such labels but nevertheless experience same-sex
attraction or engage in ‘same-sex’ sexual behavior. The community encapsulated
by the acronym LGBT, highlights various populations represented by "L," "G," "B," and
"T" as distinct groups each with its own sphere with respect to race,
ethnicity, socioeconomic status, geographic location, and age. The transgender
population is diverse in gender identity, expression, and sexual orientation. Transgender people can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual in
their sexual orientation. Some lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals are transgender;
most are not. To understand the very nature of the clan we need to understand
their proclivities.
Transgender: It means someone whose gender differs from the one they were born
with. Transgender people may identify as male or female or neither of the label
fits to them. These people’s internal feelings and labels may be male, female or
Sexual orientation: this term used to describe patterns of emotional, romantic,
and sexual attraction and sense of personal and social identity based on those
attractions. Sexual orientation exists with exclusive attraction to the opposite
or the same sex. When a person’s sexual and emotional attraction is towards the
people of the same gender, it is called homosexual orientation and if attraction
is towards the opposite sex it is called heterosexual orientation and if the
attraction is towards both the gender it is called bisexual orientation of
Gender identity: refers to a person’s articulation of self-expression in
relation to the social constructions of masculinity or femininity (gender). A
person may have a male or female gender identity, with the physiological
characteristics of the opposite sex.
Sexual identity is used to refer to sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Discrimination against an individual on the basis of sexual orientation is
deeply offensive to his and self-worth.We do not live in an idealized world,
nay the one which is schizophrenic at one end and at the same time civilized at
another. Although sexual minorities have always existed in India sometimes in
various forms like culturally sanctioned (such as the hijra) and at other times
in invisibility and silence, their issues have never seriously been articulated.
The references of homosexuality can be traced back to the pre-colonial period
where it was treated as heinous offence and punishment for such offence duly
prescribed. The Indian culture is a mixture of sects, cults and doctrines which
have a profound effect on the traditions followed by our society. In spite of
the diversity that our culture articulates, there are few aspects of it which do
really not rely in some ways or the other on the authority of Indian Religious
Literature- the Vedas, Epics, Parganas, Purans, etc. In the Manusmriti Lesbianism
(Trithya prakriti-non normative) was treated as serious offence and more serious
punishment was there. In Islamic period, the Muslim Shariat law treats
homosexual conduct as a serious offence. Therefore in different religion
different punishments were provided to homosexual offences in India.
Codification of laws started during British period first enactment took place
for uniform criminal laws in India in 1860. Under the Indian Penal Code uniform
prescription of homosexual behavior in the form of unnatural offences its nature
and punishment has been prescribed.
Before 19th century these issues were only limited to the society but in 19th
century the rights of LGBT minorities raised their issues relating to violation
of their human rights. These serious issues came forward through various civil
society organizations in India, like the first gay magazine Bombay Dost[1]in
the late 1980’s and the starting of a lesbian collective in Delhi called
Sakhiyani[2], lesbian, gay and bisexual issues were first articulated in a
public forum. Since this Magazine LGBT minority movement has been increased in
India. It is only in the final decade of the 20th century that the gay/ lesbian/
bisexual/ transgender movement brought to the fore the rights of those
discriminated against because of their sexuality.
In the mid 1990’s, the Human Rights Committee held that the anti sodomy law
violated the right to privacy and the right to non-discrimination guaranteed to
all persons under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In
Scandinavia, the provision of equal rights for sexuality minorities, including
marriage rights, was an important. The other major development has been the
South African Constitution, which for the first time expressly prohibited
discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation. But while the scope of human
rights has been extended to include hitherto marginalized communities at the
global level, a similar movement is yet to take place in India.
3.1 Present Scenario
In short lesbians, gay men, bisexual individuals, and transgender people have
not been understood and accepted as part of the normal spectrum of the human
condition. Instead, they have been stereotyped as deviants. They have been
suffering from marginalized social status relative to society's cultural norm of
the exclusively heterosexual individual who conforms to traditional gender roles
and expectations, by and large these groups share the common status of "other"
because of their members' departures from heterosexuality and gender norms.
Their "otherness" is the basis for stigma and its attendant prejudice,
discrimination, and violence, which underlie society's general lack of attention
to their health needs and many of the health disparities discussed in this
report. For some, this "otherness" may be complicated by additional dimensions
of inequality such as race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, resulting in
stigma at multiple levels. In this world, a host of issues would threaten the
health of LGBT individuals: major chronic and communicable diseases; mental
disorders; environmental hazards; the threat of violence and terrorism; and the
many other factors that jeopardize human "physical, mental and social
3.1.1 Discrimination on the ground of sex
The fundamental right under the Constitution of India prohibits discrimination
on the ground of sex. Therefore it is violation of fundamental rights of LGBT
Minority people as under.
·Lack of educational facilities.
·Right to life and personal liberty[4]
·Right to live with family[5]
·Right to livelihood[6]
·Right to speech and expression[7]
·Right to profession and business[8]
·Equal pay for equal work[9]
·Freedom of Religion[10]
·Right to live with human dignity[11]
·Right to equality[12]
3.2 Legal discrimination against sexual minorities in India
Legal discrimination against sexuality minorities operates through the criminal
and civil law systems. The regime of discrimination can be analyzed under the
following heads:
3.2.1 Prevention of unnatural offences under Indian Penal Code-Legal
Discrimination against the sexuality minorities takes many forms, the most
notorious being Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), a British colonial
legislation criminalizing homosexual behavior, that continues to be in the
Indian statute book although it has long since been removed from the British
statute book. This section says that, "Whoever voluntarily has carnal
intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman, or animal, shall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to
10 years and also be liable to fine." The unnatural offences under IPC are
sodomy or bestiality. The parties involved in this offence active and passive
both are liable for punishment as per the above section. Therefore e this
section clearly shows that sodomy is prohibited in India.
3.2.2 Right to privacy of LGBT minority People-The right to life and personal
liberty includes right to privacy. The Constitution of India does not directly
provide the right to privacy as a part of the fundamental right but it has been
emphasized time to time by the Supreme Court in in some cases therefore it is
considered as a part of fundamentals rights. Hence right to privacy should not
be violated by the state under any circumstances.
Issues of LGBT minority Communities in India within the Scope of the Section 377
of IPC is Ambiguous- Under section 377 of IPC scope of unnatural offences is an
ambiguous because there is no clear distinction between consenting and coercive
sex, against the order of nature etc.[13]
3.3 Consequence of Discrimination
Family issues Lack of communication and misunderstanding between parents and
their LGBT children increases family conflict. These problems with communication
and lack of understanding about sexual orientation and gender identity can lead
to fighting and family disruption that can result in an LGBT adolescent being
removed from or forced out of the home. Due to loneliness LGBT people becomes
drug addict and turn toward alcohol, tobacco and other drugs than the general
population. These LGBT minority people become victims of violence and crime.
However, LGBT individuals ‘experiences of violence and discrimination differ
depending on a number of factors including race, gender, income, immigration,
status and language barriers. LGBT immigrants are more likely to face violence
based on race and ethnicity and/or sexual identity and/or gender identity. In
Muslim Countries, homosexuality is heinous crime and for it fine, imprisonment
and capital punishment has been imposed on LGBT minority people.[14]
Discrimination at workplace-Discrimination of LGBT persons at workplace is a
significant factor in the differences in socioeconomic status for LGBT persons.
Gay and transgender individuals suffer from socioeconomic inequalities in large
part due to discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination directly causes on
their job, stability and it result in unemployment and poverty.
Human rights and fundamental rights are applicable to all persons but state has
failed to create special legislation which protects rights of LGBT minority
community and to provide real justice to them. They are also human being and
such treatment should be provided by the state to these people. In many
instances LGBT individuals are not legally protected from abusive and
discriminatory actions.
Following are recommendations
The State has to protect their fundamental rights without any discrimination and
for that special laws should be enacted and they shall be provided with the
opportunities in social and economic activities. There is a need to protect
human rights, need to take preventive measures in family, public and prevent
domestic violence. Government should take initiatives to support employers in
making workplace and the culture more supportive and inclusive of LGBT people.
Also there is a need to change social attitude toward LGBT Minority people.
Free health facilities should be provided by the states to them. Need to
propagate their rights.
Constitutional dimensions of importance are ingrained in the challenge against
Section 377, which criminalizes homosexuality. Homosexuality is a person’s
preference and not a malady or a disorder. Just because heterosexuality is
common does not make it a custom or, a rule embedded in law which homosexuals do
violate. There is no shame in being a gay, lesbian, bisexual or a transgender,
but a homophobe, a transphobe or a bigot[15]. People have gone out to explore
other worlds and civilizations without having being explored their own labyrinth
of dark passages and secret chambers and finding what lies behind the doorways
that he himself has sealed. We engross ourselves in a religion which was blindly
bred up by our forefathers and condemn everything beside it as erroneous.People
often term homosexuality as against their religious scriptures and as a sin but
the religious orthodoxies fail to see that there is consent involved. Raping is
a sin as the perpetrator does not take the consent of the victim before raping.
Homosexuality is not a sin as there are two adults engaging in sexual activities
with each other’s consent. How and why should anybody be punished for something
they are born with? It is not a choice, it is innate. Why should a human be
stripped of his/her rights?
Legal aspects
Section 377 reads as follow-
"Whoever voluntarily has carnal interÂcourse against the order of nature with
any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with [imprisonment for life], or
with imprisÂonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten
years, and shall also be liable to fine. Explanation.—Penetration is sufficient
to constitute the carnal intercourse necessary to the offence described in this
For the purpose of this section, penetration is sufficient to constitute carnal
intercourse. The section also has various implications for heterosexuals. It can
be divided into following three parts-
1.Criminalises homosexuality;
2.Criminalises certain acts between heterosexuals.
3.Criminalises sexual activities between humans and animals.
According to the meaning of the section if a man and a woman engage in sexual
activities which are against the order of nature they will be punished with
imprisonment for life and/or fines. This means that anal sex and oral sex are
against the order of nature as they do not contribute to the process of
reproduction (mere penetration amounts to carnal intercourse). However, a lot of
people engage in anal and oral sex within the four walls of their homes and yet
they go unpunished. No case for the same so far has been registered against any
heterosexual for engaging in sexual activities against the order of
nature.Discrete and insular minorities face grave dangers of discrimination for
the simple reason that their views, beliefs or way of life does not accord with
the mainstream. Yet in a greatest democracy their rights are as sacred as those
conferred on other citizens. The rights of LGBT community are not a charity.
Their rights are not trivial but are real rights founded on sound constitutional
doctrine. They are adjunct to their fundamental right to life and dwell in
privacy and dignity. Their harnessed suburbs should permeate the essence of
liberty and freedom.
"Sexual orientation is an essential attribute of privacy. Discrimination against
an individual on the basis of sexual orientation is deeply offensive to the
dignity and self-worth of the individual. Equality demands that the sexual
orientation of each individual in society must be protected on an even platform.
The right to privacy and the protection of sexual orientation lie at the core of
fundamental rights guaranteed by Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution,"
Justice Dhananjay Y Chandrachud, who authored the lead judgment
holding privacy to be a fundamental right, said.[17]The section was
decriminalised by the High Court in 2009 if people engaging in sexual acts were
adults and did so with consent. But the judgment was overturned by the Supreme
Court on 11 December 2013[18]which met with heavy criticism. Consequently in
February a curative petition is filed by Naz Foundation[19]and the Chief
Justice of India, T.S.Thakur decided that the petitions will be reviewed by the
Constitutional bench consisting of 5 members as it was decided that the
homosexuality is a subject that should be left to be decide by the legislature.
As the Supreme Court’s ruling posed a setback to their dignity and the basic
right to privacy and non-discrimination.
5. Current Ruling
The nine-judge bench's order will considerably reduce the previous judgment's
affrighting effect on LGBT rights. It scythed through the logic in the 2014
judgment in the Suresh Kumar Koushal vs Naz Foundation case[20]saying it was in
conflict with the LGBT community's claim based on right to privacy, entrenched
in right to life guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. This will go a
long way in protecting sexual minorities from the impositions of popular or
legislative majorities.
On 18 December 2015,Shashi Tharoor, a member of the Indian National
Congress party, introduced a bill for the repeal of Section 377, but it was
rejected in the House by a vote of 71-24. However, Shashi Tharoor is planning to
re-introduce the bill.
On 2 February 2016, the Supreme Court decided to review the criminalisation of
homosexual activity. In August 2017, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that
the right to individual privacy is an intrinsic and fundamental right under the
Indian Constitution, giving hopes to LGBT activists that the Court would soon
strike down Section 377. The Court also ruled that a person's sexual orientation
is a privacy issue. In January 2018, the Supreme Court agreed to refer the
question of the validity of Section 377 to a large bench for examination before
October 2018[21].
Views of Supreme Court
The transgender people have the right to self-identify as male, female, or third
gender; that the government should ensure their fundamental rights without
discrimination; and that they should receive special benefits in education and
employment. The new report[22]addresses these concerns, and also notes the
bill’s failure to properly define discrimination, its silence on penalties for
those who violate transgender rights, and the absence of an option for
transgender people to bring a complaint if they are mistreated or abused. The
report also notes that the various drafted laws fail to properly protect
transgender people from rape and sexual assault. Significantly, it points out
that they remain at risk of arrest and prosecution because section 377of the
Indian Penal Code criminalizes same-sex sexual relations.
The report slams the definition of transgender people inTransgender Persons
(Protection of Rights) Bill introduced in parliament in August last year– as
"neither wholly female nor wholly male," "a combination of female or male," and
"neither female nor male," – as "unscientific and primitive," and one which
"completely misunderstands trans identities" and severely restricts their right
to self-identify. The Indian government should amend the transgender rights bill
to ensure that transgender people can self-identify their legal gender without
unwanted intervention from committees or experts, be they medical,
psychological, or anyone else. And this alone should form the basis for their
access to all rights, social security measures, benefits, and entitlements. Only
then can the law support the communities it seeks to protect and empower. The
parliamentary committee, headed by Bais, has made a great start in backing trans
rights in India. Now it’s up to the government to not only enact a good law, but
repeal the colonial legacy of section 377 as well.[23]
6. Conclusion
Therefore a person’s proclivity towards the same sex is not questionable as the
orientation of a person is his personal right which is embedded as a right to
privacy enshrined by virtue of Article 21 of the constitution of India. If
discrimination is done on this ground of sexual preference it is violative of
Article 14 of the Indian Constitution which guarantees equality before law to
all individuals. What use isthe anti- discrimination bill introduced by Dr.
Shashi Tharur in the Lok Sabha, if people are being discriminated against on the
basis of their sexual preference? Further it also violates Article 15 of the
Indian constitution which ensures that no person shall be discriminated against
on the basis of caste, gender, creed etc and simultaneously Article 21 of the
Indian constitution that ensures the right of life and liberty to all the
citizens of the country.
The most common argument against homosexuality is that it is against religious
scriptures and is detrimental to the culture of the Indian society. However,
people fail to consider that Hinduism (the most practiced religion in India)
depicts in sculptures and scriptures people of the same sex engaging in sexual
activities. If it is depicted in the sculptures of temples it means it was
practiced before and was not condemned. If India fails to repeal the section
then India would be moving backwards and not be progressing. Progressive laws
are what the nation needs to emerge out of the cave of darkness that the nation
is stuck into at the moment.
The LGBT community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) is no more a minority
community. A lot of people hailing from different backgrounds identify
themselves as LGBTQ. Just because they are gay, India does not give them a right
to get married or engage in sexual activities as Section 377 criminalises
homosexuality. It is no more about a couple of people struggling for their
rights, the broad-minded joined hands to protect the interests of the
homosexuals, who are at the end of the day, citizens of the country and humans
of the planet.
It’s time for the liberation of this stereotyping, stigmatic and prejudicial
society from the shackles of orthodoxy and bridge a huge gap between the
community and embrace the progressive laws. Else it will remain a taboo as long
as people are willing to prod it under the carpet of oblivion.
[1]See Row Kavi,The Bombay Dostavailable
seen on 05/01/2018
[2]See Giti Thadani,Lesbian Desire in Ancient and Modern India,Sakhiyani
available at seen on 05/01/2018
[3] A Report of PUCL-Karnataka (February, 2001) is available
[4]See Article 21, The Constitution of India
seen 12/02/2018
[6]Supra 4
[7]Article 19(1)(a), The Constitution of India
[8]Article 19(1)(g), The Constitution of India
[9]Article 39(d), The Constitution of India
[10]Article 25-28, The Constitution of India also
[11]SeeNazFoundation v. Government of NCT and others, Court observed that,
"the Constitutional protection of human dignity requires us to acknowledge the
value and worth of all individuals as members of our society" Also SinceManeka
Gandhi’s case the Supreme Court interpreted article 21of Constitution has
ushered a new era of expansion of the horizons of right to life. Traditionally
right to life was called as natural right of the people. Right to life is one of
the important fundamental rights of the citizen of India and aliens of India.
[12]Article 14, the Constitution of India also see ibid at 2
[13]for more detail see sec. 377 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
last seen on 08/01/2018
[16]See section 377, Indian Penal Code, 1860
[18]On 11 December 2013, the Supreme Court set aside the 2009 Delhi High Court
order decriminalising consensual homosexual activity within its jurisdiction.
JusticesG.S. SinghviandS.J. Mukhopadhaya, however, noted that Parliament
should debate and decide on the matter.
[19]In 2009, the Delhi High Court decision inNaz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT of
Delhifound Section 377 and other legal prohibitions against private, adult,
consensual, and non-commercial same-sex conduct to be in direct violation of
fundamental rights provided by the Indian Constitution
seen on 21/07/2017
last seen n 8/01/2018
[22]Committee of Social Justice and Empowerment, Parliament of India,Reporton
transgender rights, available
seen on 22/07/2017
seen on 31/07/2017
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