Directories are published lists of peoples' addresses and occupations, which
in the 18th, 19th and early-mid-20th centuries fulfilled broadly the same role
as telephone directories do today. They are useful for gaining a snapshot of the
communities in which ancestors lived. By searching a series of directories, they
can give an idea of when our forebears lived and died. Their main genealogical
use, however, is to learn where ancestors lived so as to facilitate census
With the exception of a merchant's directory for London published in 1677.
Directories started to appear in the 18th century. Those for London were
published annually from 1734; Dublin's first appeared in the mid-18th century:
Birmingham's earliest directory appeared in1763; Edinburgh's in 1773 and
Glasgow's in 1783. The earliest known English county directory was for Hampshire
and was published in1784. There were some national directories, such as the
Universal British Directory 1793-98, although its coverage of people was limited
to the most important residents and businessmen.
Directories started to appear in much more significant numbers for town and
county alike in the early 19th century. They have produced by competing firms so
some counties may have several directories for one year, but equally, there may
be gaps in coverage with some years not covered at all. Directories generally
listed tradesmen, craftsmen, merchants, professionals, farmers, clergy, gentry
and nobility, but as the19th century progressed, the number of people listed
increased directories included many private residents, rich and poor alike.
A Bird's Eye View
Directories provided short descriptions of the parishes, towns and cities they
covered, combining practical details of population and geography: soil types and
the main forms of agriculture and industry; schools and hospitals, with more
antiquarian information on local history. These descriptions provide marvellous
detail of the world our forebears inhabited. You may even find an advertisement
placed by your ancestors to promote his business.
Directories can also help explain your family history. If an ancestor became a
coal miner, a directory might tell you that a mine had been opened in his home
parish about the same time. If he came from a poor background yet became highly
literate, you might learn from a directory that a free school had been opened in
their village.
Directories stated which poor law unions and thus which workhouses covered the
place concerned. As poor law unions equated to General Registration Districts,
you can use directories to establish the parameters for General Registration
Index Searching. They also indicate which manors covered the parish, and where
the local burial grounds and non-conformist chapels were.
Furthermore, directories provided details of roads, canals and railways and the
whereabouts of local markets. When trying to work out where an ancestor came
from, it is helpful to know the lines of communication on which their place of
residence lay. Many couples met at the local market, so if you know where one
ancestor came from and want to work out the origins of their spouse, find out
which the local market town was and then work out which other villages were
inits catchment area.
What Directories Contain
From the mid-19th century onwards, directories tended to be divided into the
following sections:
- Commercial: traders, professionals, farmers and suchlike, in an
alphabetical list.
- Trades: individual alphabetical lists of the foregoing arranged under
each trade or profession.
- Streets: lists of tradesmen and private residents listed house by house,
street by street.
- Court: originally these were the heads of wealthier households, but this
rapidly became simply an alphabetical listing of the heads of all families
saves the poor.
By following your ancestors forward through a series of directories, you may be
able to watch their careers developing-opening a new shop, expanding an existing
one, changing occupations and finally handing over to their children. Finding
out when an ancestor disappears from directories can provide a clue to when they
might have died.
Directories may also introduce you to other relatives you had not encountered
before. If you cannot find your ancestor listed, but there were other people
with the same surname in the area, look them up in census returns as you may
find your ancestor was living with them.
Overcoming Problems
- Directories were commercial ventures, usually compiled in the year prior
to publication but not always fully updated between editions. It is best,
therefore, to think of an entry for an ancestor in an 1874 directory as an
indication of what their state of play may have been in 1873.
- The information provided was so scant-name, address and/ or trade that
numerous possibilities exist for confusing people with the same name, so be
very careful before making the assumption that you have definitely found the
right person. The descriptions may be inaccurate; for example, a man with
several occupations, such as farmer and butcher, may be listed under only
one. Continuity of name and trade, such as listings each year for John
Smith, butcher, may mask the death of John Smith senior and the succession
of John Smith Junior to the business.
- Directories did not list the majority of the poor and were never
intended to be in any sense complete, so if an ancestor is not listed where
you expect them to be, this is no indication that they were not there.
Obviously, however, if it is feasible, it is worth seeking them elsewhere,
in other years or in neighbouring towns or counties.
- When searching in London, do not forget that the city grew so big that
from 1799 separate directories were published for the sub-urbs.
Telephone Directories
Telephone directories date from the 1880s and eventually took over from trade
and street directories after the Second World War. They can fulfil a similar
role to that of the older directories but bear in mind for research purposes
that they may be out of date as soon as they are published.
Be aware, too, that telephone directories are very incomplete in their coverage;
only about 70% of households have telephones and directories usually only list
the main householder. They exclude all those who wish to be ex-directory (about
70% in London) or who have opted for mobile phones rather than landlines.
Because of data protection, directory enquiries were very limited in the
information they will supply.
Written By:
- Navin Kumar Jaggi
- Gurmeet Singh Jaggi