In the early Middles Ages, manorial lords would keep a priest in their
household, and usually ended up building a separate chapel for them to say Mass.
Out of the Lord's manorial landholdings grew the parishes, and from the private
chapels developed parish churches.
Many parish registers were kept during the Middle Ages, but sadly none survive
outside the Vatican Archives, whence many were sent by anxious priests during
the Reformation. Very few of these registers are identified by place and access
to them is not allowed so, for our purposes, parish registers date from 1538.
Before 1830 there were some 11,000 parishes in England and Wales. Since then,
many new parishes have been created out of older, larger ones, with former
'chapels of ease' (built to save parishioners' lengthy journeys to the parish
church) becoming parish churches in their own right. The parish was run by a
clergyman, or incumbent, either a vicar, rector or parson. When clergymen had
more than one parish, they either neglected their duties in one or paid a curate
to undertake the work on their behalf. The clergyman or curate's work of
baptizing, marrying and burying resulted in one of the most important
genealogical tools, parish registers (PRs).
Below the clergyman was a council called the vestry and also a staff of parish
officials, who performed many of the functions that had been performed before
the Reformation by manorial officials. They generated a wealth of records
relating to our ancestors, known by their traditional place of storage, the
parish chest.
Parish Registers
Parish registers to which access is permitted date from 1538 and consist of
baptisms, marriages and burials, we normally turn to PRs, once we have gone as
far back as we can through General Registration records and census returns, and
indeed the latter will indicate in which parish you will need to search. Baptism
records provide parents names, which lead back to searches for marriages.
Marriage records do not provide ages or parents' names, so we use the ages
usually recorded in burial registers to ascertain when our ancestors would have
been baptised. By working back step by step, it is sometimes possible to trace
back to the 16th century unaided by any other categories of records. But because
PRs are not always very informative, genealogists end up seeking further
co-ordinates on their ancestors from sources such as manorial records, wills and
so on.
It was Thomas Cromwell, Vicar-General to Henry VIII, who inadvertently laid the
foundations of modern English genealogy by issuing orders to all parish clergy
to keep registers of baptisms, marriages and burials. Unfortunately, most were
kept on paper and have been lost to damp, rats, fire or flood, so only a small
proportion of registers date from 1538. In 1558, so orders were issued for
registers to be kept on parchment, and the survival rate increases rapidly,
though in general terms relatively few have survived from before 1600.
While the Anglican Church was a religious institution, it was also a branch of
the state and if anyone, except Quakers and Jews, wanted legal proof of their
marriages and their children's ages and legitimacy they had no choice but to
have Anglican marriages and baptisms, Equally, until relatively recently, there
were very few places to bury a body except for the ancient, consecrated ground
of parish churches, 5 most people, Anglican, atheist, agnostic and
non-conformist alike, lie buried in parish churchyards. It is often helpful,
therefore, to think of PRs not so much as religious records, but as civil ones.
These provide the date of baptism, name of the child and the father's full name.
In the 16th and early 17th centuries, parents' names were sometimes not
recorded, reducing genealogical research to a guessing-game, although hopefully,
other sources such as manorial records will have survived to provide further
Mothers' Christian names usually appear from the 17th century.
Between 1780 and 1812, mothers' maiden names appear fairly often and, as the
18th century progressed, it became more usual to record the child's date of
birth as well. Fathers' occupations and places of residence within the parish
were often recorded.
In 1812, Rose's Act introduced printed registers with spaces requiring:
- Date of baptism
- Name of child
- Name, residence and occupation of father and the Christian name of the
All of which are excellent for genealogy, but removed most of the optional extra
information, which many clergymen had hitherto been recording.
If the child was too ill to be bought to church, it might be privately peptised
at home. The register entry may record this as 'P' or 'Priv', and when the child
was finally brought to church for a public ceremony, the register entry might be
annotated 'rec'd' or 'received into the church'.
Marriages before 1754 gave the date of marriage and the Christian and surnames
of both parties. Additional information was sometimes given, such as the groom's
occupation, the bride's father's name and whether the marriage was by banns or
licence. Marriages usually took place in the bride's parish, but those by
licence might take place in the town where the licence was issued.
On 25 March 1754, Hardwicke's Marriage Act came into force and remained so until
1837. Marriages had now to take place (with certain exceptions) in the bride or
groom's parish by an Anglican clergyman, either after banns had been read in
both parties' home parishes for three Sundays running, or on the production of a
marriage licence. Jews and Quakers were not obliged to comply, but everyone else
had to, regardless of denomination.
Boys could still marry at 14 and girls at
12, but parental consent was required for all under 21. Marriages were now to be
recorded in a separate register (until then they were usually listed with the
baptisms and burials, sometimes neatly separated, other times jumbled up
together), with a form requiring:
- Date
- Names of both parties
- whether they had been married before ('bach[elor]', 'spin{ster], wid{ow/er]').
- parish of residence ('otp' means 'of this parish', 'soj[ourner'] meant
someone who had only recently settled there)
- Signatures or marks of both parties
- Names and signatures of two witnesses, who would usually be siblings of
the bride and groom.
Generally, the printed forms prevented any extra comments which clergy might
have been tempted to make but some still did: the registers of St Mary, Lewisham,
around 1803, for example, contain many marriages of people not from that parish.
To satisfy the law they had been resident there for three weeks or so they
claimed and were official 'of this parish'. But next to their signatures or
marks the incumbent wrote their real parishes of residence from as far afield as
Sussex and Birmingham. As someone who hates filling in forms, I say hurrah for
the incumbent of Lewisham!
Ancestors also appear in marriage registers as witnesses. If they do, there is a
good chance they may be related to one of the two parties, indicating wider
family connections than you suspected. Such references may also provide useful
evidence that an ancestor was alive on that date. Be aware, though, that some
people were regular witnesses
· if you see them witnessing several marriages on the same day, they
probably were not related to either party at all.
From July 1837, civil registration marriage certificates were used both in and
outside of parish churches.
Marriage licenses, allegations and bonds
Marriage licences, which originated in the 14th century, enabled marriages to
take place immediately especially if the girl was pregnant ~but were more
usually obtained as status symbols for those who thought it above their dignity
to have banns read out in front of the hoi polloi.
Apart from some issued by the Archbishop of Canterbury, which allowed the
marriage to take place anywhere, marriage licences would specify one of two
places, theoretically the parties' home parishes. But in practice, at least one
was often the parish in which the couple were staying at the time for a minimum
of four weeks (after 1753) or 15 days (after 1823).
Licences may be found in family papers but were more often handed into the
officiating priest. What survives in record offices are more usually the
associated bonds (until 1823) and allegations.
An allegation was a statement
made by the prospective groom swearing that both parties were free to marry,
usually stating names, ages, places of residence, marital status, groom's
occupation, where the couple intended to get married and name of the consenting
parent of either party under 21. Be aware that, between September 1822 and March
1823 only, both couples had to produce evidence of baptism or an equivalent
certificate proving their age: these will be found with the allegation and are
well worth seeking.
A bond was made stating a sum of money to be forfeited should the information on
the allegation (especially regarding the parties' freedom to marry) be found to
be incorrect. There were two bondsmen, one of them usually the groom, the other
often a relative (perhaps the bride's father) or a good friend, and provided
similar information to the allegation.
Remember that licences were issued to facilitate marriages but are not evidence
that a marriage took place: the couple may have had a last-minute change of
heart, or one or both may have dropped dead.
Marriage settlements
These were deeds signed before weddings arranging for the future ownership of
property. Parents might settle property or income on one of the two parties
marrying (often as a dowry); grooms (or their families) would guarantee property
or income for their brides. They provide excellent details not only of who was
getting married and when, but also names of relatives on both sides, family
friends and the location and nature of lands held.
Irregular and clandestine marriages
Before Hardwicke's Marriage Act (1753), and despite the Anglican church's
disapproval, unions between two parties were regarded as legal under Common Law
provided both parties consented and exchanged vows, regardless of whether
witnesses, priests or anybody else were present. Sadly, these generated no
records for genealogists. Before 1754 there were also clandestine or irregular
Irregular marriages took place by banns or licence, but away from one
of the spouses' home parishes, or in private houses, or at times of the year
when marriages were not supposed to take place, such as Lent. Clandestine
marriages were those conducted in secret, away from the parties' home parishes.
This happened for many reasons, such as an apprentice wishing to marry without
waiting until his seven-year term of apprenticeship had expired; an heir or
heiress desirous of marrying without their guardian's consent; widows wishing to
receive income from their deceased husband's estate yet have a new husband into
the bargain; couples in a very great hurry to have sex-and, of course, aspiring
bigamists. Both would be conducted by priests on receipt of a backhander, often
on the production of a corruptly obtained marriage licence.
These practises were brought to a halt by Hardwicke'sMarriage Act. However, the
Act did not apply to Scotland and the Channel Islands, whither many of the
English couples who might have tried the Fleet Prison now eloped. Scotland's
Gretna Green was the most popular, although this was only one of many such
marriage houses. An Act of 1856, declaring such run-away marriages illegal
unless the couple had resided in Scotland for at least three weeks, led to a
great decline in the popularity of Gretna Green and its neighbours.
Burial entries can help in seeking wills, but their main use is in providing
ages, which in turn indicate a year of birth and thus an indication of when a
baptism might have taken place. The records provide the names of the deceased
and date of burial. As the 17th century progressed, it became more usual than
before to add extra details, such as age, place of residence and occupation.
Married women were often described as 'wife of X' and widows were described as
such, with or without the deceased husband's name. The father's name was usually
provided in cases of deceased children. 'P' denoted a pauper.
From 1666 we have burials in wool. To revive the flagging English wool industry,
Charles II ordered that all corpses be wrapped in woollen shrouds, hence the
notes 'buried in the wool', 'P' - paupers were exempt-or affidavit' next to
burial entries, the latter denoting an affidavit sworn before a JP that a
woollen shroud had indeed been used. Some survive, usually providing a close
relative's name. There was a £5 fine for disobedience and it became a status
symbol to pay the fine and use a silk shroud instead. The Act was generally
ignored after the 1770s Rose's Act of 1812 provided forms requiring:
This is all useful information, but again we lose the odd extra notes, which
could bring colour to earlier entries.
PR Transcripts
Transcripts of PRs, made at any time from the last century to the present day
(but more so before the advent of the Internet), can be found in country record
offices. They are often the compilation of the original register and the
bishops' transcripts, so what the transcript says might not be a verbatim quote
from either of the original sources and of course, like anything else, errors
and omissions can creep in. An advantage is that they are often indexed,
enabling speedy searches.
Parish Records Outside England And Wales
The vast majority of Scottish PRs are at New Register House, with a few others
and copies of many local ones at the regional register offices. Maps showing the
location of the approximately 900 Scottish PRs are included in the Phillimore
Atlas and Index(Phillimore, 2003). One of the great problems of Scottish
research is that registers tend to start more recently than English ones and,
even when they survive, they are easy as incomplete as their counterparts south
of the border. A few survive from the 16th century but most have only survived
from the very late 17th century or early-mid-18th century, and one down-side of
having no bishops was that there are no bishops' transcripts.
A plus is that the registers are usually slightly more detailed. Women did not
automatically change their names on marriage, so their maiden names tend to
appear in the registers. Births were often recorded instead of baptisms, but
where baptisms appear, you may well find godparents recorded too. Scots were not
obliged to undergo an official marriage ceremony. It was sufficient simply to 'hamfest'
by making a promise in public. Those who married at home but wanted more
official recognition issued a proclamation of their intention to marry, and
these were recorded in the marriage registers, For genealogical purposes, these
are just as good, as they record the names of the parties just as well, and have
the virtue of being recorded in both the bride's and the groom's parishes. Some
couples married in church nonetheless, and their weddings appear in the marriage
registers as well.
Ireland originally consisted of the four provinces of Connaught, Leinster,
Munster and Ulster. These were divided into 32 counties, 325 baronies, about
2450 parishes and some 64,000 townlands, Townlands were originally family plots,
ranging from large tracts of land to virtual rioting. An essential tool is the
General Alphabetical Index to the townlands and Towns, Parishes and Baronies of
Ireland (GPC, 1984). The Anglican Church of Ireland, which was the established
church until1869, divided Ireland into some 1600 parishes, divided into
31dioceses Registers were required to be kept in 1634 although few have survived
from before the mid-18th century, and more half of them were destroyed when the
IRA bombed the Four Courts in 1922.
Most southern Irish people were Catholic. Besides Church of Ireland parishes,
there were also Catholic ones, sometimes both using the same names, sometimes
not. Catholicism was not fully legalised in Ireland until 1829 and, although
many Catholic priests operated in the country, few dared keep registers and, of
those that were kept, few survive. From the 1830s onwards, the number of
Catholic parishes proliferated and many registers started to be kept, usually
just of baptisms and marriages, though the former usually noted mothers maiden
names and also the names of godparents, which would usually have been close
relations, so in this small respect, they have the edge on standard Anglican PRs.
Overcoming Problems
It is sometimes very hard to distinguish between different people of the same
name because PR entries generally contain relatively little information.
Clergymen sometimes made an effort (by suffixing 'senior' or 'junior', or
recording different places of abode), but not always. Sometimes a listing of
children of John Smith may go on decade after decade, until you realise with a
sinking heart that there were two or possibly, even more, John Smiths having
children baptised. In such cases. The burial registers can be used to try to
eliminate possibilities, but you may need to turn to other sources, such as
wills and manorial records,to get a true picture.
Finding what appears to be an ancestor's baptism is not in itself proof of a
pedigree. With infant mortality at roughly 150 deaths for every 1000 live births
(now infant deaths are only 1% of all deaths), it is also important to try to
establish that the child you have found did not die young. The absence of such
burial from the PR is not, of course, proof the chid survived Git could have
been buried somewhere else), but it greatly adds to the balance of probability
that it survived.
Some events were recorded in registers termed non-parochial registers, because
they related to places such as hospitals, workhouse chapels of institutions such
as the Greenwich Hospital and Sheerness Dockyard. These are always worth
considering if you simply cannot find what you want. They are not listed in the
Phillimore Atlas and Index but are in the National Index of Parish Registers and
you can also find out about them from the catalogues of the relevant county
record office.
Whilst most baptisms took place soon after children were born, this was not
always the case. Parents might wait weeks or months to have the child baptised,
or even save up several children and have them all baptised at once (cheaper,
after all, for the post-christening party). So two people baptised the same day
were not necessarily twins. Some people were not baptised until they were grown
up. If you cannot find the baptism you want in the year of birth, search
As well as the Commonwealth Gap (see opposite), a later cause for missing
entries was the Stamp Duty Act, which levied a tax on baptism, marriage and
burial entries between 1783 and 1794. Only paupers were let off (often denoted
by a 'P' against entries), so not surprisingly the number of so-called paupers
shot up in this period. Marriages tended to happen anyway, and you could not
very well avoid having a body buried, but couples certainly could and did put
off having their children baptised.
If you cannot find your ancestor's baptism in these periods, look in the
registers immediately after 1794, when there was a spate of late baptisms.
However, the Act had aggravated a general trend towards non-conformity, which
left many Anglican churches half empty, and their registers sparsely filled
until the first six months of 1837. Before General Registration started that
July, many children and adults were baptised, presumably due to a
misapprehension that the new system meant the permanent end of the old one, so
it is always worth searching this period for the late baptism of an ancestor.
Burials were usually well recorded except in times of plague or similar
epidemics when bodies might be buried without ceremony or record. Bear in mind
that many were buried not in the parish churchyard, but in the workhouse and
hospital graveyards, whose records will be in either the county record office or
the NA.
Family Search And The IGI
Parish register indexes help genealogists determine which original registers
they should search for their ancestors.
The indexing of PRs and their subsequent appearance on the internet of PRs has
done more to change genealogy from an exclusive activity to a massively popular
pastime than any other single development.
Within living memory, someone wishing to trace their ancestry to before 1837,
having struggled through the then dusty bundles of unindexed census forms at the
old Public Record Office, had no choice but to write polite letters to parish
clergy requesting PR searches. A response from a vicar stating he had no time to
undertake a search for baptism (or, worse, stating the baptism was not there
when in fact it was) might take several weeks or months, after which you would
write another polite letter, disguising your frustration, to the incumbent of
the next-nearest church, and so on.
The expensive alternative was to take a week off work and travel from parish to
parish yourself, sitting in vestries for days on end, freezing cold and
squinting hard because of the poor light, compiling listings from the original
parchment register books taken from the iron-bound parish chests.
Overcoming Problems On The IGI
The IGI (see box, opposite) is a massive index, but it does not cover all PRs
and covers others only partially. It used to be possible to discover exactly
what the IGI covered, but no longer. The Phillimore Atlas and index (Phillimore,
2003) has a column providing details of the broad coverage for each parish as it
stood in 1994, and this is still a good general guide. This column also shows
you whether a particular county is well covered or not: Kent and Norfolk, for
example, are very poorly covered, while County Durham is (dare one say it)
almost complete.
The Phillimore Atlas coverage column does not, however, alert you to gaps in
coverage: it may tell you a parish is covered from 1610 to 1850, but what it
will not tell you is that there are gaps from 1645 to 1662, five illegible years
in the 1760s, and the coverage of marriages stops entirely in 1801. More detail
is given in the volumes of the NationalIndex of Parish Registers.
However, do not waste too much time worrying about what the IGI does and does
not cover. If there is an entry in the index that you believe is relevant, check
it in the original registers. If the entry you want is not there, search the
original registers of the parishes where you think it is most likely to have
been, regardless of whether those parishes are theoretically covered by the IGI
or not if you base any decisions or any aspects of your family tree solely on
the presence or absence of entries in the IGI, you are almost certainly to come
a cropper.
The IGI is helpful in grouping variant spellings of surnames together, but be
aware that the groupings are ultimately random and the variant under which your
ancestor was recorded might not have been picked up by the indexers, so will
appear on its own under its own individual spelling. Be creative when entering
possible variants: scribble the name down and then think of ways it could be
misread. Or mumble it to someone and ask them to say what they thought you said.
The surname Coldbreath, for example, exists in Sussex and puzzled me for ages,
so I started going around mumbling it to people in various different accents and
then asking them what they thought I had said. Finally, someone said
'Galbraith?' I looked up the Scottish surname Galbraith and to my delight, found
that Coldbreathwas indeed listed as a recognised variant.
As with all indexes, the entries are only as good as the people who copied them,
and there are many omissions and mistranscriptions (such as John Thomas baptised
at Hexham being indexed as John ThomasHexham, and so on).To make matters worse,
in a somewhat misguided move in 1992, the Mormons allowed private researchers to
submit their own information, some based on accurate sources, such as family
bibles, and some derived from pure fantasy.
Until recently, Wales was like many Scandinavian, Eastern European and
non-European countries for its continued use of patronymics that changed with
each generation. The IGI on CD enables you to search a region and time frame for
the birth of anyone with a particular forename. Say your Welsh ancestor was Evan
Jones, born about 1850. His father might have been called Jones as well, or Evan
could literally have been 'gon of lohn.
So his father would have had a different patronymic surname, according to his
father's name, such as John Thomas, resulting in Evan's baptism being entered as
Evan son of John Thomas. Without knowing in advance who John's father
was, you would not know that you had to look under Thomas, not Jones. With the
IGI's help, though, you can see a list of possible baptisms for boys called
Evan, which you can then explore in the original records.
Other Indexes And Bishops' Transcripts (BTs)
Here some other indexes to help you search for original entries in PRs.
Boyd's Marriage Index
This index was compiled by Percival Boyd and his clerks in the 19thcentury. It
gives brief details of spouses' names, parish and year, indexed by bride and
groom, usually divided into 25-year batches arranged by English county, with two
series of miscellaneous indexes with entries from all over the country.
Boyd's sources were mainly PRs but bishops' transcripts, marriage licences and
banns registers were also used. Not all counties are covered by any means, and
some parishes are only partially covered, but with coverage of about 15% of all
English marriages from 1837back to 1538, it is always worth a search if the
entry you want is not in the IGI. Some indexing was phonetic, so surnames
starting Kn .., are indexed under N, and so on.
County Indexes
Many counties have marriage indexes-see Where to Search, opposite.
Pallot Marriage And Baptism Index
Held at the IHGS, the index covers the period 1780-1837. It focuses on London
marriages, including some such as at Christchurch, Southwark, that was later
destroyed in the Blitz, and many from Kent, Surrey, Essex and Middlesex. There
are also entries from further afield, mainly from the published Phillimore
marriage series. Sadly, all but 100,000 entries in the baptism index were also
destroyed in wartime bombing.
Bishops' transcripts (BTS)
Bishops transcripts are contemporaneous copies of PRs, which help genealogists
bridge gaps in the original registers and which may sometimes provide extra
information. In 1598, in law entirely beneficial to later generations of
genealogists, most parishes were told to send in copies of each year's registers
to their local bishop. In some areas, these are called register bills or in
counties such as Suffolk, where the annual returns were sent to the local
archdeacon, archdeacons' transcripts.
If you encounter a gap or illegible patch in the PR you are using, you may be
able to turn to the BTs instead. Generally, they contain only bare details minus
the extra notes and comments clergymen sometimes inserted into original
registers. However, sometimes the clergyman or parish clerk might add a comment
to the transcript, or even insert an entry he had forgotten to put in the
original register.
Therefore, it will sometimes repay you to examine the transcripts as well as the
PRs, even if the latter seems complete. Sometimes looking at both a PR and BT
will give you two different pieces of information, in which case you will have
to use your judgement or look further to establish which is correct. In some
cases, the transcripts from each parish in a deanery were bound into annual
volumes. These make for easy searching for a given year across a spread of
adjoining parishes.
Written By:
- Navin Kumar Jaggi
- Gurmeet Singh Jaggi