Bail is the right of freedom of an individual against the imposition of
restraint by the State. It is granted to secure the presence of the person
before the appropriate authority. The concept of bail is all about balancing the
equities with Personal Liberty of an alleged accused on one hand and the
interest of the general public on the other.
Liberty of an individual is too
precious a value of our constitutional system recognized under Article 21 and
the liberty is thwarted when the bail is refused to an individual.
the crucial power to negate the liberty is a great trust exercised judicially
with a lively concern for the cost to an individual and the community.
Liberty of an individual can be lawfully eclipsed in accordance with the
procedure established by law. And the last four letters of article 21
established by law are the life of that human right. Bail is the rule and
committal to jail an exception. Committal to jail is under the circumstances
which suggest that the alleged accused would flee from justice or create trouble
in form of repeating offences or intimidating witnesses and the like.[i]
But the jurisprudence of bail is quite unsettled and irregular when it comes to
the practical application of the concept. It is not debated that each case must
be viewed on the basis of its own facts and circumstances. But the question
which requires consideration is that whether there are enough judicial
considerations on the subject and if yes do they conflict with each other. This
paper focuses on the indifferences that are caused due the judicial
consideration on this subject thus leaving it quite unsettled and unclear.
The strength of the under-trail prisoners has increased quite significantly in
the recent times. The judiciary takes time to decide the case as it has to take
into consideration various factors in relation to the offences that a person is
alleged to have committed. And during this time, it is impossible to hold a
person for too long in prison or detain him because it questions the
fundamentally cherished right of liberty that is granted to an individual.
It is
a settled principle of a criminal jurisprudence that Bail is a matter of right
and Jail an exception to that right. Denying a person his liberty can be done
only in exceptional circumstances. Also, it is important to note that an
individual's freedom from the State's restraint rests on the discretion of the
And such discretion must be exercised sparingly and a proper judicial
discipline must be adhered to. The term judicial discipline is not defined but
can be understood considering the facts and the practice prevailing in the
For instance: if a bail matter is decided by a particular judge, then as
part of the judicial discipline, subsequent bail application must also be
decided by the same judge. This prevents the abuse of process of court.
Unsettled Precedents
The entire judicial system is based on precedents, where the question of law
already decided is binding upon all the lower courts. Similarly, in the matters
of bail, as part of the judicial discipline, there are several settled
principles such as balancing equities, allowing the bail applications only when
there is change in circumstances and so on. It is quite settled that liberty of
an individual must be zealously safeguarded by the Court. But a judge should not
be unduly influenced by the concept of liberty, disregarding the facts and
circumstances of the case.
Shahzad Hasan Khan vs Ishtiaq Hasan Khan & Anr[ii]
the first respondent and three others were alleged to have murdered the
deceased. The first respondent absconded after the occurrence and surrendered in
court later. The trial court rejected his bail application, and three successive
bail applications were rejected by a Single Judge of the High Court. The first
respondent made another attempt in the High Court to get bail.
Having regard to
the judicial discipline and prevailing practice in the High Court, another
Single Judge of the High Court, sitting as a Vacation Judge, ordered that the
bail application be placed before the same learned Judge who had dealt with the
case on earlier occasions. However, a few days later, the Judge, after recalling
his earlier order, granted bail on the ground that the trial could not be
commenced or completed as directed by another Single Judge and because of the
delay the accused was entitled to bail, and that the liberty of a citizen was
But the Supreme Court set aside this order of the High Court observing
the single judge has erred in recalling his previous order of placing
the matter before the same judge who had decided the earlier bail petitions. The
single judge failed to satisfy itself of the fact that the accused was capable
of tampering with the evidence (as he had done earlier)
Kalyan Chandra Sarkar vs Rajesh Ranjan @ Pappu Yadav & Anr[iii] seven bail
applications of the accused-respondent were dismissed by the High Court of
Judicature at Patna and the same court allowed the 8th bail application and
enlarged the bail to the accused-respondent respondent as he had undergone
incarceration for a period of 3 years and that there was no likelihood of the
trial being concluded in the near future and appeal filed against the said grant
of bail came to be allowed in the Supreme Court on the ground that the High
Court could not have allowed the bail application on the sole ground of delay in
the conclusion of the trial without taking into consideration the allegation
made by the prosecution in regard to the existence of the prima facie case,
gravity of offence, and the allegation of tempering with the witness by threat
and inducement when on bail.
It is indeed a travesty of justice to keep a person for too long in prison and
as seen above the delay may be one of the factor for consideration of the bail
application but other factors must not be ignored. But the same court in
Singh v. State of Punjab[iv] has had a different finding altogether.
"It would indeed be a travesty of justice to keep a person in jail for a period
of five or six years for an offence which is ultimately found not to have been
committed by him. Can the Court ever compensate him for his incarceration which
is found to be unjustified?
Would it be just at all for the Court to tell a
person: "We have admitted your appeal because we think you have a prima facie
case, but unfortunately we have no time to hear your appeal for quite a few
years and, therefore, until we hear your appeal, you must remain in jail, even
though you may be innocent?"
What confidence would such administration of
justice inspire in the mind of the public? It may quite conceivably happen, and
it has in fact happened in a few cases in this Court, that a person may serve
out his full term of imprisonment before his appeal is taken up for hearing.
Would a judge not be overwhelmed with a feeling of contrition while acquitting
such a person after hearing the appeal?
Would it not be an affront to his sense
of justice? Of what avail would the acquittal to be such a person who had
already served out his term of imprisonment or at any rate a major part of it?
It is, therefore, absolutely essential that the practice which this Court has
been following in the past must be reconsidered and so long as this Court is not
in a position to hear the appeal of an accused within a reasonable period of
time, the Court should ordinarily, unless there are cogent grounds for acting
otherwise, release the accused on bail in cases where special leave has been
granted to the accused to appeal against his conviction and sentence."
Also the Hon'ble Supreme Court in State of
Kerala v. Raneef[v] has observed that
keeping a person in prison questions the liberty of that individual and delay in
concluding the trail is not only one of the factor but the most important factor
in deciding whether to grant bail. And the Hon'ble Supreme Court in
Chandra v. CBI has observed that the period of incarceration by itself would
entitle bail to the accused. And on both the occasions the Hon'ble Supreme Court
granted bail to the accused, thus leaving it for the respective courts to decide
what is to be done depending upon the facts and circumstances.
Another important aspect of bail is that an accused can file subsequent bail
application after the previous bail applications are dismissed but only if there
are change in circumstances and this is a settled principle. The civil law
concept of resjudicata and finality does not apply in the criminal law as it
involves an important question of liberty of an individual. This allows the
accused to get a favorable order of bail questioning the creditability of the
court and pestering the judges.
And the words
change in circumstances are of
much relevance in subsequent bail petitions. In
Kalyan Chandra Sarkar vs Rajesh
Ranjan @ Pappu Yadav & Anr[vi] the accused had applied for his bail eight times
which were sought to be dismissed by the High Court and further in appeal by the
Supreme Court. Subsequently, his ninth bail application was allowed and the
accused was enlarged on bail on the very same grounds on which he was previously
denied bail and without there being any change in circumstances or new facts or
The Hon'ble High Court, thus had ignored the earlier orders of the Hon'ble
Supreme Court which was violative of the principle of binding nature of the
judgments of the superior court rendered in a lis between the same parties, and
noted that such approach of the High Court in effect amounts to ignoring or
over-ruling and thus rendering ineffective the principles enunciated in the
earlier orders especially of the superior courts.
The Supreme Court observed
that though an accused had a right to make successive applications for grant of
bail the court entertaining such subsequent bail applications had a duty to
consider the reasons and grounds on which the earlier bail applications were
rejected and in such cases the court also had a duty to record what are the
fresh grounds which persuaded it to take a view different from the one taken in
the earlier applications. Thus, allowing the application on the very same ground
without there being any new facts or grounds is an abuse of process of court.
A person who anticipates his arrest for any offence can also file anticipatory
bail. The difference between bail and anticipatory bail is that bail is a post
arrest legal process, that is, it is granted only after arrest of the person
whereas anticipatory bail is a pre-arrest legal process in anticipation of
possibility of arrest of a person and bail is ordinarily granted as a matter of
right in case of bailable offence and it may also be granted in non-bailable
offences under Section 437, Cr. P. C. but power to grant anticipatory bail is of
an extra-ordinary character which is to be used by the Court sparingly.
And the principles with respect to the same are also unsettled and its
application may also vary from case to case basis. In Gurbaksh Singh Sibbia Etc
v. State Of Punjab[vii] the full bench of the Hon'ble High Court of Punjab had
held that larger interest of the public and State demand that in serious cases
like economic offences involving corruption, which shakes the economic fabric of
the nation, anticipatory bail cannot be granted.
But the Hon'ble Supreme Court
held contrary observing that:
We find ourselves unable to accept, in their totality, the submissions of the
learned Additional Solicitor General or the constraints which the Full Bench of
the High Court has engrafted on the power conferred by Section 438. Clause (1)
of Section 438 is couched in terms, broad and unqualified.
By any known canon of
construction, words of width and amplitude ought not generally to be cut down so
as to read into the language of the statute restraints and conditions which the
legislature itself did not think it proper or necessary to impose. This is
especially true when the statutory provisions which falls for consideration is
designed to secure a valuable right like the right to personal freedom and
involves the application of a presumption as salutary and deep-grained in our
Criminal Jurisprudence as the presumption of innocence.
But this very Hon'ble Supreme Court in
P. Chidambaram v. Directorate of Enforcement[viii] vide two judge bench has reiterated what was observed by the
full bench of the Hon'ble High Court of Punjab and observed that grant of
anticipatory bail, particularly in economic offences would definitely hamper the
effective investigation and thus the same cannot be granted. It is important to
note that the decision of the 5-Judges bench of the Hon'ble Supreme Court has
been given a go-bye by the division bench of the same court. And as part of the
judicial discipline the courts now would be bound by this very judgment and not
the earlier judgment.
It is important that the principles with respect to bail and anticipatory bail
are carved out in precise terms and followed in cases depending on their factual
basis. Also, in order to ensure that proper judicial discipline is maintained,
the accused should not be allowed to select a court depending upon his liking or
encouraged to file successive bail applications without there being any new
facts being cropped up.
If successive bail applications on the same subject are
permitted to be disposed of by different Judges there would be conflicting
orders and a litigant would be pestering every Judge till he gets an order to
his liking resulting in the credibility of the court and the confidence of the
other side being put in issue and there would be wastage of court's time.
this involves a question of one's liberty, the power to curtail such freedom
should be used judicially and the liberty should only be secured only through
the process of law, which is administered keeping in mind the interests of the
accused, the near and dear of the victim who lost his life and who reel helpless
and believe that there is no justice in the world as also the collective
interest of the community so that parties do not lose faith in the institution
and indulge in private retribution.
- State of Rajasthan v. Balchand, (1977) 4 SCC 308
- 1987 SCC (2) 684
- 2004 SCC (7) 528
- 1977(4) SCC 291
- 2011 (1) SCC 784
- 2005(3) SCC 284
- 1980 (2) SCC 565
- 2019 SCC OnLine SC 1143