Role Of NGO's In Peaceful Resolutions


Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), with their unwavering commitment to humanitarian principles, emerge as beacons of hope, catalysts for change, and architects of peaceful resolutions in th...

The Connection Between Crime And Drugs: How Different Laws Can Help


Drugs !!! Generally familiar as a Social Evil or discerned as something with great adversity. One of the neglected pieces from the past. But are these so called Drugs justified in not being par...

Custodial Violence in India: A Call for Human Rights Protection


"Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power."[1] - - James Madison Custody primarily refers to police custody (lock up in a police station) and judicia...

Robert Badinter: A Champion of Justice and Human Rights


The passing of former French justice minister Robert Badinter, at the age of 95, in February 2024 marks the end of a life dedicated to the cause of abolishing the death penalty. His tireless ef...

Forms And Impacts Of Gender Discrimination


"Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle" - B.R Ambedkar Gender discrimination is a form of prejudice that occurs when someone is treated u...

Protection Of Children And Welfare Overview


Case Law Relating To Protection Of Children And Welfare In the middle period there were many evil were developed in the society and specially relating to women. But they are reform by social ref...

Fighting for Justice-The Battle Against Corporate Complicity in Child Labor: ...


A prominent court case in the United States, Doe v. Nestl, Cargill, and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), deals with the topic of corporate responsibility for alleged violations of human rights in ...

Times When United Nation Peace Keeping Efforts Were Unsuccessful


Over its existence, the United Nations has frequently failed to keep the peace and avert conflict. Since 1945, when the UN was established, millions of people have died and been forced to flee ...

Promoting Gender Equality


The issue of gender equality permeates all aspects of society, affecting individuals in their homes, workplaces, and communities. While progress has been made in recent decades, significant dis...

Bridging Borders: Human Rights For Asylum Seekers, Refugees, And Migrants


This research paper engages with the multifaceted and pressing issue of human rights concerning asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants. Against the backdrop of increasing global migration, the ...