Law Colleges in India

National Law University (Jodhpur) - 3 years and 5 Years LLB course

Students of NLU have, with their hard work, sound legal knowledge and eagerness to grow, attained some of the best placements in India and abroad.
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  • National Law University (Jodhpur)
    Year Established 1999

    National Law University (Jodhpur)

    The National Law University, Jodhpur is an institution of national prominence established under the National Law University, Jodhpur, Act, 1999 (Act No. 22 of 1999) enacted by the Rajasthan State Legislature. The University is established for the advancement of learning, teaching, research and diffusion of knowledge in the field of law. It caters to the needs of the society by developing professional skills of persons intending to make a career in advocacy, judicial service, law officer / managers and legislative drafting as their profession.

    It is one of the first institutions in India to offer degrees viz. B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.); B.A., LL.B. (Hons.); and B.Sc., LL.B. (Hons.) at the undergraduate level. The compulsory subjects prescribed by the Bar Council of India are taught from a comparative perspective with emphasis on the interface between law and management / finance / science / economics. The courses are structured in an ingenious manner which helps the students to undertake Honours courses like Business Laws, Intellectual Property Rights, trade Related Laws & WTO, Criminal Law, Constitutional Governance, and Human Rights Studies. The unique multidisciplinary approach in imparting legal education is in alignment with the fast changing horizons of the legal profession. The Honours courses are structured with great care to make them not only knowledge oriented but also competitive and market centric.

    At the postgraduate level, the University proffers M.B.A.; LL.M. / M.B.L.; M.B.A. in Insurance; LL.M. with specialisation in International trade; M.A. / M.Sc. in Constitutional Governance; LL.M. IPR / M.IPR; and M.B.F. Apart from the aforesaid courses, the University also encourages scholars to undertake the Ph.D. Program.

    The University provides an opportunity to explore the undiscovered nuances of the legal profession and is engaged in setting new standards in legal education. With the growing needs of the legal profession in the global context, the University has established five schools of learning, namely, School of Law, School of Management Studies, School of Policy Science, School of Science, and School of Constitutional Governance.

    These schools are involved in equipping the students to face challenges at the national and international corporate law firms, and corporate houses. To sharpen their advocacy skills, the students are exposed to clinical education, court visits and moot courts. Through the usage of compulsory ‘court room exercises’, not provided elsewhere, as a novel and innovative teaching learning methodology, emphasis is laid on the blending of theoretical knowledge with practical learning; skills of articulation and development of right professional attitude.

    Wise, able and passionate faculty is the most precious human resource in the advancement of course of legal education. National Law University, Jodhpur is the only Law School in the country which offers IIT pay scale to attract the best faculty. Specific and individual attention to each student is the touchstone of the teaching methodology which is ensured by the 1:8 teacher-student ratio. The University also encourages the teachers to visit reputed universities abroad for academic pursuits, which in turn helps them attain much needed international exposure.

    The University has also entered into various pacts with globally acclaimed universities abroad which includes student and faculty exchange programs. It is endeavouring to enter into more MOUs with national regulators, and international and national law firms of repute.

    Contact Info:
    Telephone no:+91-291-2577530
    Fax no:+91-291-2577540

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    Law Maxims

    # Acta exteriora iudicant interiora secreta - Outward acts indicate the inward intent
    # Boni judicis lites dirimere est - It is the duty of a good judge to prevent litigation
    # Conventio et modus vincunt legem - A contract and agreement overcome the law
    Damnum sine injuria - damage without legal injury.
    Ex facie - On the fact of it.
    Faciendum - Something which is to be done.
    Injuria non excusat injuriam - A wrong does not excuse a wrong.


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