Feasibility Of Virtual Reality Technology For Reintegrating Violent Offenders...


Addressing violent behavior within the context of rehabilitation involves navigating complex challenges across multiple domains. From the initial assessment and diagnosis to the implementation ...

Combating Deepfakes with Inadequacies of Existing Laws


Artificially generated media, known as deepfakes, has emerged as a major concern due to its potential to manipulate video, audio, and images using advanced technology like Artificial Intelligen...

The Ability of AI to Comply with Legal Principles


The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led to its remarkable capabilities, often surpassing human cognition in various areas. As AI continues to become more entwined in our s...

Anuradha Bhasin v/s Union Of India 2020: Affirming Internet Access As A Funda...


This case is associated with the societal issue of internet access as a fundamental right. In August 2019, the central government of India suspended all telecom services in Jammu & Kashmir ...

Unravelling Opportunities: Subsidy Schemes For Technology Start-Ups In India


In the dynamic landscape of India's burgeoning start-up ecosystem, navigating the labyrinth of governmental policies and subsidy schemes is both crucial and challenging for emerging technology ...

Electricity Pricing And Grid Manufacturing For EV Manufacturing Companies


The period belongs to EV vehicles as the nation is witnessing an increase in the demand for EV vehicles as people are realizing its utilities and benefits in the longer run. The sales of EV veh...

Benefits and Misuse of Speech-to-Text AI Tools for Police Constables


There are multiple aspects in which the use of speech-to-text AI tools can help police constables in their work. These tools may have a number of features, including the ability to take and sto...

AI Predicting Lifespan


"AI Predicting Lifespan" means that AI and machine learning algorithms are used to analyse data related to various factors and determine how long a person can be expected to live. Often, such f...

Use of AI in Legal Profession


AI is transforming the legal profession in various ways, presenting opportunities for increased efficiency, improved decision-making, and enhanced client service. Through automating repetitive ...

Blockchain Technology And General Data Protection Regulation: The Intersectio...


Blockchain has become a revolutionary force in the rapidly changing digital technology ecosystem, with the ability to completely change how we save, share, and handle data. Concurrently, the Ge...